
Life After COVID: Need Of Eradicating Plastic

Vaccine trials have just been finished. Soon we’ll have a vaccine for COVID. The efforts of being home will finally pay off. The plans of going to the beaches, hill stations and the destinations we’ve missed out during the lockdown will be made. We would be out for a dine at our favorite places. But we’ll have to wear masks until everyone is vaccinated and hurrah we’ll be back to our normal lives. But what normal lives are we even talking about. Lets have a look at our so called ‘normal’. • A normal where world generates around 3.5 millions tons of plastic waste and other solid waste everyday. • A normal where about 0.0986 billion tons of Carbon Dioxide is emitted every day around the world. • A normal where 2 million tons of sewage and industrial waste water is dumped into water every day around the globe. • A normal where around 22,000 tons of plastic is dumped into oceans everyday. Lets go through some more reports and insights.                                          

Share Market and Students - Importance of Investing

Hey guys, I hope the first blog was successful in creating a bit spark regarding the Share Market. We there, had dealt with the what actually share market is and the basic concepts related to share market. So we now have a comprehensible idea of share market. So lets dig down further. Share market is home for two mindsets investing and trading . Rather than diving directly into these types, we’ll initially try to understand the importance of investing.  Investing the hard earned money into assets which provides enough returns helps to sustain through the retired life. But investing is a life long affair and one has to devise a efficient plan to save and invest throughout the working years. The following example will clearly help to understand the benefit of investing over accumulating. Assume you earn 50k per month with expenses of 30k and you are left with 20k a month. You are given a hike of 10% every year. Assume cost of living increases by 8% every year. You ha

School peaches knowledge, Life requires wisdom.

"Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make living, the other helps you make a life."                                         -Eleanor Roosevelt  Schools teaches us in understanding the world around us and prepare us with the tools required for a job market. It imparts us with the knowledge of social skills, behavior, work ethic and other moral values. But is this enough? In a true sense knowledge is never enough. But the pattern of our education at schools is found to be inadequate.  It really teaches us to make money but fails in teaching how to handle it. It has succeeded in imparting knowledge but killed the curiosity to learn. We are encouraged to celebrate victories but never taught how to deal with the failures . In a way schools succeed in imparting knowledge but fails to imbibe life values. Let be through the most important life values which mould our lives into a better future.   FAILURES Schools are where we are taught that mistakes are bad

"Can India cash in to China's backlash ?" - Maybe Not.

                                                  (Via: The Print) India is been into an economy-crippling lockdown, but that hasn’t stopped our leadership from dreaming big. With China facing a global backlash, on account of COVID-19, India is hoping to cash in on the anti-China sentiment to replace it as the world’s global factory. That was one of the takeaways from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the nation when he asked India to become ‘aatmanirbhar’. Supporting to the PM’s stand, transport minister Nitin Gadkari also called the outbreak a ‘blessing in disguise' for Indian industry - one that could help bring large-scale foreign investments in the country. Preparations for this are already in place. India is already offering a pool of land to companies interested in moving manufacturing out of China. Uttar Pradesh has formed an economic task force to woo companies eyeing a shift. India has also significantly stepped up its pitch to attract investments, having alre

Invisible Indians

This photograph of a man on a phone, with a face in grief was highly circulated on the social media and news media a few days earlier. The story behind his tears was that his son was unwell and was on the verge of dying, and he had wanted to go back home. He worked as a labourer in the Najafgarh and due to absence of any public transport, he had starting walking home, which was almost 1200 away in Begusurai district of Bihar. He was just like those other thousands of migrants who had been walking home. But he was stuck at the Nizamuddin Bridge for three days as policemen didn’t allow his further journey. On the request of a media person, the police personnel assured that he would be sent home. But till then his son had lost the battle of life. This is really heart breaking. This is just one of other thousand unseen stories Here are some other reports which would manifest the severity of the conditions of these migrants.                                    -

Share Market and Students - Understanding Share Market

We all, often come across the term Share Market but at the least we try looking further into it. We also have a perception that Share Market is all about easy money making and this creates a bit curiosity too but that doesn't last long. This is because as we march forward things start seeming complicated than expected and we easily give up. Some of us still being interested work out hard for the things but give up on their way to investment and the reason for this is insecurities maybe sometimes them thinking as having insufficient funds. So guys, in this blog we'll be dealing with the basics of Share Market so that we get an idea of what share market is and the terms related to it so this would simplify the things at root level. Then we'll have an overlook at the problems we face, as being a student or fresher in the initial stage of investing. Also I'll be adding a interesting story which will clarify the potential of share market. So guys lets get started straightaw