Invisible Indians

This photograph of a man on a phone, with a face in grief was highly circulated on the social media and news media a few days earlier. The story behind his tears was that his son was unwell and was on the verge of dying, and he had wanted to go back home. He worked as a labourer in the Najafgarh and due to absence of any public transport, he had starting walking home, which was almost 1200 away in Begusurai district of Bihar. He was just like those other thousands of migrants who had been walking home. But he was stuck at the Nizamuddin Bridge for three days as policemen didn’t allow his further journey. On the request of a media person, the police personnel assured that he would be sent home. But till then his son had lost the battle of life. This is really heart breaking.
This is just one of other thousand unseen stories Here are some other reports which would manifest the severity of the conditions of these migrants.
These reports are terrifying and clearly reveal what these migrants are been through during this lockdown. But their condition and problems are been relentlessly ignored and are been treated as invisibles. Mostly these migrants work on the basis of daily wages and sustain themselves. Feeding the family and other expenses keeps them away from idea of saving funds. The day they won’t work makes them sleep with a starving stomach. This unpredicted lockdown has cut off their income drastically changing their lives. Hollow initiatives from the Government have made them suffer and this has caused a revolt.

We knowingly or unknowingly have been surrounded by such hundreds of migrants. They are been part of lives now. These migrants work as vendors, security guards, cleaners, maids or even the construction workers. Being dispersed in a greater extent they have never been noticed as a group but India has up to 139 Million internal migrants and contribute to 2% of nations GDP. 

State Governments have taken the initiative in helping these migrants but failed miserably every single time. Special trains have been arranged, buses have been allotted but are charged heavily. Many of the States have denied in letting their own people into the state borders. Inadequacy in the transport system have raised the issues like overcrowding which will have an straight impact on the numbers. 

Biased News Media
News Media have been consistently dropping these darker sides of pandemic and staying up to their usual agendas. We have been just made aware of the numbers but these critical issues have been made invisible. News media still prefer in delivering on the agendas related to the statements made by opposition parties, referring this pandemic as a biological war, agendas of the ruling party and other issues rather than focusing on the darker consequences of this pandemic.
These are the topics of the debates of Zee News between 12th of March to 25th of May. These figures are enough in illustrating what media is been to.

The sole purpose of this blog is been to highlight one of the worst consequence of this pandemic which is been thoroughly omitted by the Media.

Do share and let this issue be bought at sight.
Until next time.
