School peaches knowledge, Life requires wisdom.

"Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make living, the other helps you make a life."
                                       -Eleanor Roosevelt 

Schools teaches us in understanding the world around us and prepare us with the tools required for a job market. It imparts us with the knowledge of social skills, behavior, work ethic and other moral values. But is this enough? In a true sense knowledge is never enough. But the pattern of our education at schools is found to be inadequate. 

It really teaches us to make money but fails in teaching how to handle it. It has succeeded in imparting knowledge but killed the curiosity to learn. We are encouraged to celebrate victories but never taught how to deal with the failures . In a way schools succeed in imparting knowledge but fails to imbibe life values.
Let be through the most important life values which mould our lives into a better future.

Schools are where we are taught that mistakes are bad and are punished for them. This creates a tendency to fear loosing.  Most of the people who fear loosing never win. In fact, we humans are designed to learn from the mistakes we commit. We learn to walk by falling down. If we would never fall we would never learn. Winners are never afraid of loosing but losers are. Failure is a part of success. People who avoid loosing avoid success. Winning and loosing is part of life but what is more important is learning from them. So, its important to treat failures and victories equally rather than treating victories as milestones and failures as setbacks.

The education system we follow has been consistently killing the curiosity to learn. We are judged by the grades we secure rather than the knowledge we have. Maybe exams are the way to test your knowledge but rather than it being a test of knowledge they work as medium to secure grades. Books which impart knowledge are treated as a source to obtain grades. The importance of reading books is vanishing due to the system we are in. Books help us in learning the things we have never experienced. Reading imbibes wisdom but the model of education we are in have significantly degraded the importance of learning with curiosity. 

We are taught the way of earning the money but kept away wit the way of handling it. We are taught in such a way that we keep working for money rather than letting money work for us. Working for money just keeps you in the rat race and permanent debt. Handling money is a skill to be developed and hence we are required to learn it. Financial Education helps breaking this vicious cycle and planning the financial goals and working on them. Being financially strong always gives an upper hand and the flexibility in whichever things you do.

So, these are important life values which are required to learnt along with the process of technical knowledge which we are imbibed with, during schooling. We limit our learning and knowledge upto the doors of classroom which deprives us of such values. Rather than limiting ourselves, being in state of constant learning will surely help in building a better future.
Until next time.
